QMS Smartdeliver360 (Under Development)
QMS SmartDeliver360
We use unique, Technology tools to give us the edge
Our QMS SmartDeliver360 platform bridges technology and delivery operations, transforming customer interactions, empowering operational teams, enabling robust partnerships, and setting a new industry standard.
Platform Core Features are:
Metaverse Delivery Platform:
Order and track parcels in an immersive virtual environment.
Interactive 3D Mapping
Real-time parcel tracking displayed on a 3D map for transparency.
Predictive Analytics for Partners:
Partners can align food preparation or service delivery based on customer demand predictions.
- Online PlatformOnline platforms and businesses benefit from seamless integration, enabling driver outsourcing, trip management, financial handling, and data-driven insights for efficiency.
- Seamless DeliveryCustomers enjoy seamless delivery and booking processes with immersive vendor exploration, real-time order tracking, and interactive features.
- 3D VisualizationsVendors benefit from predictive insights, streamlined order management, and 3D visualizations that optimize operations and enhance customer satisfaction.
- Geo AI-optimizedDrivers experience improved delivery efficiency through Geo AI-optimized routes, better communication, and real-time task management tools.